Podcast: Create Your Own Podcast! + My First Podcast Experience

Hello, welcome back to my blog! Today, I am really excited to share my first podcast experience with you. Before sharing my podcast, I would like to talk about the podcast itself and give you some tips about how to start a podcast. I hope you will enjoy it! Have a nice reading!

What is a podcast?

The podcast is a kind of audio broadcasting series of spoken word that is available on the Web and this series of spoken word (audio episodes) might be all focused on a particular topic or theme or the topic can change in each episode. Listeners can subscribe to the podcast show with an app on their phones and listen to audio episodes whenever and wherever they like. For instance, they can listen to podcasts on the go, at the work, in the morning, at night, etc.

How to Start a Podcast?

To start a podcast, you need to:
* Find a concept for our podcast series, find a topic, come up with an interesting name, develop your format and decide the length for each episode.
* Record and edit the audio files that you already planned and designed. You can use your smartphones and computers however having a microphone would have better results.
* Find a podcast hosting website such as Libsyn, Soundcloud, Anchor, Transistor, or Podbean to put your podcasts.
* For distributing your podcast through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other players and streamed on any device, you can syndicate your podcast into an RSS feed.

My First Podcast Experience on SoundCloud

I created an account on SoundCloud to be able to upload and share my podcast with you.

Here is the link for my Podcast about one of the nonverbal communication types (Kinesics) which is Artifacts: https://soundcloud.com/user-596627628/artifactskinesicspodcast 

I hope you found today's blog useful and enjoyed my podcast. Do not forget to make comments and let me know your ideas about the blog and most importantly my first podcast!
I will see you in the next blogs. See you soon!


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